We’ve been busy decorating our classroom this week and these ornaments were just thing our little Christmas tree needed…
Mr. Hayden assisted the children in our annual tradition of setting up our classroom Christmas tree…
Once the tree was fully assembled, it was in need of decorations. We had a Christmas ornament station available as one of our centers. The children knew just what to do and set to work creating some of the prettiest ornaments I’ve seen…
The children set off to design and create their own ornaments to decorate our tree. Various collage materials were set out on the table for the children to use. In case you were wondering, these nifty little collage trays are fruit trays found in the produce section of the grocery store…
Circles were cut out of cardboard to use as ornaments. Crayons, tape, stickers, scrap paper, pom poms, and glue were all available for the children to use in their creations…
How the children chose to use the collage materials was completely up to them. Some children filled their entire circle, while others chose only to color it in with crayons. A few of our children chose to work together…
Some of our children made more than one ornament. Regardless of how the children chose to create their ornaments, they were each unique and so special in their own ways…
The wonderful part of this Christmas ornament station is that it ran completely independently. The children were familiar with all of the materials and knew exactly what they wanted to do with them. Like our Christmas card making station, this is an easy center to put together that could keep our children busy for days…
And our Christmas tree would be ever so beautiful because of it…
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